I thought I should add a more positive post here.
Here's my plan for the trip artistically speaking
#1 - Taking the greyhound bus is not just cheaper I thought it would allow me time and perhasp chances to simply ask the person sitting next to me to take a photo of me at every station we stop as a form of performative documentation. Allowing me to introduce conversation and stop fearing other in a sense. Rarely we speak to strangers I sometimes wonder who they are so maybe this would allow me to. This is a process of letting go of a part of me who lives in fear of stranger which I would like to let go of. I think the photos aren't really so important it is just the act of asking and introducing myself that is. I will note date, time, place and the first name of the person taking the photo for the title. I think this mini-project may end up called something cheesy like : The spring where I stopped fearing.
2# - As you may already know this farm looks like a good opportunity of merging into a new queer community and get real awesome shots of them outside in the daylight. This would actually be my first time to shoot in a not overly artificially controlled light environnement and I am thrilled. I am very curious of exactly what I am going to find. Plus working outside for something I believe in, eating organic and having a very non-smoking environnement to stop smoking seems just perfect at this moment. I will use a digital camera for proof shooting before so I will keep up posted on this one for sure. I hope this would be sufficient material to finish my degree with personnal satisfaction. I dropped last semester because I had nothing worth spending money on I felt so hopefully this would be good. I should defenitly ask for an independant study upon my return.
#3 - I should plan a new Drag King solo to offer performance at Ida this little queer music and art festival 8 miles away form my location. I would like to shoot some portraits there as well.
Here's my plan for the trip artistically speaking
#1 - Taking the greyhound bus is not just cheaper I thought it would allow me time and perhasp chances to simply ask the person sitting next to me to take a photo of me at every station we stop as a form of performative documentation. Allowing me to introduce conversation and stop fearing other in a sense. Rarely we speak to strangers I sometimes wonder who they are so maybe this would allow me to. This is a process of letting go of a part of me who lives in fear of stranger which I would like to let go of. I think the photos aren't really so important it is just the act of asking and introducing myself that is. I will note date, time, place and the first name of the person taking the photo for the title. I think this mini-project may end up called something cheesy like : The spring where I stopped fearing.
2# - As you may already know this farm looks like a good opportunity of merging into a new queer community and get real awesome shots of them outside in the daylight. This would actually be my first time to shoot in a not overly artificially controlled light environnement and I am thrilled. I am very curious of exactly what I am going to find. Plus working outside for something I believe in, eating organic and having a very non-smoking environnement to stop smoking seems just perfect at this moment. I will use a digital camera for proof shooting before so I will keep up posted on this one for sure. I hope this would be sufficient material to finish my degree with personnal satisfaction. I dropped last semester because I had nothing worth spending money on I felt so hopefully this would be good. I should defenitly ask for an independant study upon my return.
#3 - I should plan a new Drag King solo to offer performance at Ida this little queer music and art festival 8 miles away form my location. I would like to shoot some portraits there as well.